Saturday, December 30, 2006

Den of Thieves

The book arrived in library. I went to check those related pages and sat around 1 hour.

what did it say in the introduction of TT?

" a liking of a tall, boyishly handsome Rhodes Scholar.. Oxford" .... he was 25 when starting that business for the bank in 1985. After he worked as a VP of planning for the bank and decided to develop propriatary business/arbitrage desk...

My goodness. Almost a young version of Robert Rubin. If he just did that all the way without that case. It is typical at that time get some smart young guys to trade at merger arbitrage desks.

only 46 now, all silver hair.

Life.... indeed unpredictable

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Another sad day-People come and go

Amazing, you always can find sth to write every a couple of days.

When HLC told me he was selling his car, i was sort of confused. when I heard he said this time he backs for good, my tears immediately dropped. (i am so quick to cry, it was entirely unexpected)

No one covers me at Asia Society, no one sits as a cushion between me and either a weird Indian Photographer, or a 3-ex-wife, 6 kids HK origin lawyer). One less person I can talk and complain in this city.

For the entire 3 years here, he is the person always willing to listen, (although sometimes I coubt if he can help or add more value). Like a father, like uncle, elder brother, a friend.

not understand why he did not tell me earlier. Now he has to leave on Sat. He said he thought I knew it earlier on. Otherwise I can spend more time with him these days. His decidion was made mid of the year. No wonder he did not show up as often as before, I felt strange sometime, and still thought he backs for another new year vacation this time.

If I cry like this, who knows what will happen if I have to leave here, leave all the friends.

he received a call and arranged for lunch appointment, saying: ok, I will bring my girlfriend... someone you have not seen...

Rememebr the Yi Xiang Yuan owner asked me once, where is your chinese friend, that tall guy... I don't really realise who he talks about :-)

If independent means all the people you can rely on move on and leave you alone, I got to think the choice that I want to be independent or not. It is just SWEET that you can find someone to talk to and totally trust.

Give him a big hug (we are never the kiss type) and promise him I will be fine. i don't want to stand there alone and see him leaving. better get into the library. otherwise i will cry again. I need to move on after 2 weeks and to take care of my brother. my life become stable compared to 1 year ago. if he left at that time, it might be more sad to me.

people come and go in this city. they jsut have to move on. Like he said, if he keeps on this (promise to work for government), it will be on and on and on. he will be too old to travel around. my life goes on too, sad though. need to fly to SNG and see him for a cup of tea :-)
the tea time becomes so precious.

just another sad day for me.

what shall I bring to him as gift next time?

Monday, December 25, 2006

Fortune's Formula

Adult's fairy tale, yup, 1/3 of that. the later part is more about how the quants shaped up in the history. thereofre the earlier part is more fun and fresh to me.

The author got Pulitzer nomination, no wonder such a well-written book. Still not enough people know it (2005 first version) and people always have different view and taste of everything, so please ignore some stupid review/comments on Amazon.

One of the best book on Bill Miller's required reading list.

Open society, the Fooled by randomness, etc, show you one thought/philosophy that help you see through and survive the long-term game of wealth accumulation. Stay in the game and make yourself still availabel and participate the good, booming, even bubble times, that is the core of the game.

Soros is such a so-so writer, actually the idea of open society is much more facinating that what he can describe. Lucky you if you read and truly pick up the brain there. Open your mind, not exclude any outliner event, try to take advantage of small probability things.

Life is a calculated bet, just like what Robert Rubin try to tell you in his book. Just majority people don't truly believe it. Good for those minority who learn the lesson from that book.

what a life!

Jean George

Fantastic food, so impressed and happy eps. about the dessert.

Met the same guy form U.N., the staff Union head, maybe middle east guy, some rich family. unbelievable that we met always at same Christmas lunch places, last year Peninsula, this year Jean George's. Well, next year, I just call and ask him, then I don't need to worry about where to eat. Also impressed that this guy speaks Mandarin, Level 2, haha.

3 courses + great dessert, I don'd understand how we finally could finish them all. Esp, the dessert. How can people even finish the even bigger tasting menu.

Hope one day I can bring my parents, or brother coming here, well worth the money I think. .. keep those cuisine pics as record :-)

Friday, December 22, 2006

The Birth of the Blog

just add some desserts and recrod the dessert time